Tuesday, 9 September 2014

debunking the top bunk

Yes, it's a mouthful.  And, if I'm honest, a headfull.  My head is full of swirling advice and timelines and calendars.

By 10 months, your baby should be able to...........WHAT?  And what if she is not.  I was a late bloomer.  So what if she doesn't walk at 9 months like the neighbours' kid.  So what if she still wobbles when she stands, or doesn't have 7 teeth yet?  Have you met my daughter, mr yardstick?  She is friendly, makes brilliant conversation, sleeps through the night and is able to entertain herself for long stretches of time.  And she loves.  She loves with big eyes and a (5tooth bearing) smile that can melt any heart.

She is healthy and tall and happy.  So what if she doesn't leg it across the room.  Yet?
