Sunday, 7 December 2014

Feeling sleepy

My daughter loves to sleep.  Who doesn't.  Recently though - and I am certainly playing the timeline down - I have welcomed her into my bed.  My husband travels a lot.  He is often away for 2 or 4 weeks.  So I told myself that a bit of company was allowed.

When was the last time you slept with a baby in your bed?  They roll and thrash about like fish out of water.  They wake you in the middle of the night with fears of them falling off the bed.  But mostly, they cuddle.  They love.  They make wonderfully uncomfortable sleeping companions.

The problem is that now, my daughter prefers to sleep with me.  And dad.  And that doesn't work so well.  In comes the super scary sleep training.  I suspect that this is where nerves of steel come into play.  Or wine.  Or ice-cream. Whatever you need.  Because listening to a crying baba for 10minutes at a time feels like 10 hours.  Torture.  Madness.

Today is day 5.  Watch this space!