Saturday, 9 November 2013

I'll have a cliche, please.

I once told a friend that her proposal on top of the Eiffel tower was the biggest cliche and the most romantic thing ever.  Needless to say, thanks to my big mouth and my stupid pride, we are no longer friends.  Pride is a dangerous thing.  Basically, I think it likes to pretend that you are so different and special that you will never do the predictable, run of the mill things.  I suspect it goes hand in hand with being a little bit jealous.

Now, I am not referring to being proud of someone or something.  For example, if your brother wins a race, you are allowed to feel proud.  Usually the kind of pride that is dangerous is the pride you feel for yourself.  It puts you in a different box.  That being said - I was always annoyed by people who would upload tons of photos of their children to Facebook.  I always told myself that sharing that pose of the baby asleep on the dads chest was such a cliche.

Until this morning.  And let me tell you - when that picture presents itself for the first time - the only feeling you can feel is overwhelming, beautiful pride.  So I snapped away and uploaded the moment straight to Facebook.  Never passed go, never collected $200.

From now on, I think I will re-think things a little.  And appreciate the beauty of the cliche.

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